Prizes |
Entry fee is $10. Payment can wait until the end, but please then be prompt.
The top 8 cash.
1 - 40% ($188.00) - Doug Kroll (pd) 2 - 25% $117.50) - Rob Luther (pd) 3 - 15% ($70.50) - Patrick Lauterbach (pd) 4 - 10% ($47.00) - Wade Lawrence (pd) 5 - 4% ($18.80) - Rosie Sokol (-11) (pd) 6 - 3% ($14.10) - Marcus Miller(-23) (pd) 7 - 2% ($9.40) - Bob Claesgans (+24) (pd) 8 - 1% ($4.70) - Jason Stowe (+1) (pd)
(5th, 6th, 7th broken by tie-breaker) (8th decided by tie-breaker)
47 total entries.
NOTE: PayPal is best payment method. Send to: Send using Friends/Family option only.
Follow-up with separate email if you need to indicate specifications about the payment. Thank you for following these instructions.
I also accept Venmo, Square-CASH, or Facebook $ transfers.