Expected Values

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    Player                  Code      Alone     Share       Place   Expected Value

  1 Whitey Stange           YTS          3         0           4       390.55
  2 Denny Mitchell          RDM          1         0           4       350.40
  3 Tanya Harrington        TH           0         0           4       266.45
  4 Mike Mahoney            MAH          0         0           4       189.80
  5 Cesar Mendoza           CM           0         0           4        63.20
  6 Chris Kramer            CK           0         0           2        44.75
  7 Ryan Smith              RSM          0         0           3        38.80
  8 Heidi Weiler            HWE          0         0           2        20.35
  9 Jason Stowe             JPS          0         0           2        17.38
 10 Arnie's Army            AA           0         0           2         6.42
 11 Chris Kramer #2         CK2          0         0           1        -4.05
 12 Beau Hultquist          HUL          0         0           1        -4.05

    Chances shown are out of 4 possibilities.
    Which is for 2 games left to play.
generated: Dec 31, 2023 9:53 AM
time to produce: 0:0:0.046