Expected Values

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    Player                  Code      Alone     Share       Place   Expected Value

  1 Michael Popp            POP      1,001         2       1,024       542.78
  2 Adam Kroll              AK           4         0         838       208.37
  3 Tony Gallivan           TGV          0         0         777       184.54
  4 Madison Weiler          MWE          0         0         568       116.96
  5 Beth Steven             STV          0         0         520        91.64
  6 Pat Hagen               PH          17         2         400        84.62
  7 Ben Weiler              BWE          0         0         461        68.17
  8 Doug Kroll              KRO          0         0         354        44.46
  9 Layne Wardenburg        WAR          0         0         326        34.39
 10 Jake Weiler             JWE          0         0         516        27.90
 11 Loran Weiler            LWE          0         0         243        27.43
 12 Jay Horton              HOR          0         0         242        20.15
 13 Curry's Clan            CC           0         0         219        15.31
 14 Kevin Mitchell          KM           0         0         177        10.66
 15 Mark Behrman            MB           0         0         146         6.47
 16 Kathy & Chris           K&C          0         0         127         1.82
 17 Tim Holland             TIM          0         0         136         0.61
 18 Chip Cotton             CHP          0         0         155        -0.22
 19 Tom Esber               ESB          0         0         127        -1.35
 20 John Amsbaugh           AMB          0         0          81        -4.47
 21 Tom Mitchell            TOM          0         0          86        -6.93
 22 Bud Stowe               BUD          0         0          65       -11.18
 23 Dave Neuleib            DN           0         0          54       -13.63
 24 Nathan Krofta           NK           0         0          45       -13.84
 25 Michael Greenblat       MGB          0         0          53       -13.96
 26 Barrett Ludlow          BLL          0         0          47       -14.17
 27 Ken Krofta              KK           0         0          42       -14.55
 28 Terry Cotton            COT          0         0          44       -15.04
 29 Phil Elmer              ELM          0         0          33       -15.05
 30 Mike Lauterbach         ML           0         0          46       -15.14
 31 Steve Tyrrel            TYR          0         0          39       -15.33
 32 Chad Gallivan           CGV          0         0          38       -15.53
 33 Zane Lennon             ZAN          0         0          69       -15.75
 34 Ralph Jeletz            RJZ          0         0          35       -16.58
 35 Tom Hughes              HUG          0         0          31       -17.16
 36 Toby White 2            TW2          0         0          23       -17.28
 37 Peter Auerbach          PBX          0         0          26       -17.29
 38 Chris Kramer            CK           0         0          19       -17.66
 39 Jay Roskam              JRK          0         0          25       -18.21
 40 Joe Pupel               JOP          0         0          11       -18.99
 41 Ken Johnson             KJ           0         0           7       -19.42
 42 Garan Drozd             GAR          0         0           7       -19.44
 43 Scott Brummel           BRU          0         0           9       -19.54
 44 Denny Mitchell          RDM          0         0           6       -19.56
 45 Gary Young              GWY          0         0           9       -19.69
 46 Dean Eggers             EGG          0         0           7       -19.76
 47 Maribeth Stockton       MBS          0         0           2       -19.83
 48 Michael Homan           MH           0         0           3       -19.83
 49 David Anderson          DA           0         0           1       -19.93
 50 Dave Drozd              DD           0         0           1       -19.98

    Chances shown are out of 1,024 possibilities.
    Which is for 10 games left to play.
generated: Dec 30, 2018 12:07 PM
time to produce: 0:0:0.046