Expected Values

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    Player                  Code      Alone     Share       Place   Expected Value

  1 Chip Cotton             CHP         10         0          28       240.17
  2 Wade Lawrence           LAW          7         1          24       218.96
  3 Mark Hoxmeier           HOX          6         0          21       168.91
  4 Trent Luther            TL           4         1          22       167.23
  5 Denny Mitchell          RDM          2         0          22       134.53
  6 Troy Ginther            TG           0         0          21        96.34
  7 Chris Kramer #2         CK2          0         0          17        94.19
  8 Toby White              TAW          1         0          10        54.92
  9 Tim Curry               TC           0         0          12        53.81
 10 Chris Kramer            CK           0         0           9        46.61
 11 Tom Mitchell            TOM          1         0           6        30.13
 12 Obiesili Aniakudo       OSI          0         0           8        18.15
 13 Mark Behrman            MB           0         0           5        11.57
 14 Tom Esber               ESB          0         0           6        10.14
 15 Eugene Loziner          LOZ          0         0           7         4.15
 16 Nate Smith              NS           0         0           7         4.15
 17 Tom Bockhaus            BOC          0         0           7        -0.25
 18 Beth Steven             STV          0         0           4        -3.15
 19 Ken Johnson             KJ           0         0           4        -3.92
 20 Collin Becker           BEC          0         0           1        -8.10
 21 Ralph Jeletz            RJZ          0         0           3        -8.39
 22 Michael Homan           MH           0         0           1       -11.69
 23 Dave Neuleib            DN           0         0           2       -12.09
 24 Megan & Jack            M&J          0         0           1       -12.71
 25 Dave Desing             DES          0         0           3       -13.51
 26 Steve Tyrrel            TYR          0         0           1       -14.76
 27 Tom Hughes              HUG          0         0           3       -15.05
 28 Slade Sloan             SS           0         0           1       -16.30
 29 Shelly Drozd            SD           0         0           1       -17.84
 30 Jayden Weinschenk       JAY          0         0           1       -18.61
 31 Kathy Holland           KH           0         0           2       -18.75
 32 Troy Ginther #2         TG2          0         0           1       -19.38
 33 Jay Horton              HOR          0         0           1       -19.69
 34 Dustin Dare             DAR          0         0           1       -19.79

    Chances shown are out of 32 possibilities.
    Which is for 5 games left to play.
generated: Dec 30, 2017 18:38 PM
time to produce: 0:0:0.046