Expected Values
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Player Code Alone Share Place Expected Value
1 Trent Luther TL 2 1 4 442.80
2 Chip Cotton CHP 1 0 4 274.70
3 Denny Mitchell RDM 0 0 4 213.20
4 Wade Lawrence LAW 0 1 3 169.25
5 Toby White TAW 0 0 3 163.10
6 Chris Kramer CK 0 0 2 84.30
7 Ken Johnson KJ 0 0 2 45.35
8 Tim Curry TC 0 0 2 40.80
9 Tom Mitchell TOM 0 0 1 38.30
10 Tom Bockhaus BOC 0 0 2 26.90
11 Obiesili Aniakudo OSI 0 0 1 21.90
12 Mark Hoxmeier HOX 0 0 1 9.60
13 Tom Hughes HUG 0 0 2 2.30
14 Dave Neuleib DN 0 0 1 -15.00
15 Jay Horton HOR 0 0 1 -17.50
Chances shown are out of 4 possibilities.
Which is for 2 games left to play.
generated: Dec 31, 2017 10:39 AM
time to produce: 0:0:0.050