20th Annual Pioneer Bowl Pool

Players Codes As Used In Expectation Reports

    CA  - Carl Anderson (rotisserie owner)
    RAZ - Rich Azinger
    MB  - Mark Behrman (rotisserie owner)
    BEN - Dirk Benn
    BOC - Tom Bockhaus
    CTC - Chip and Terry Cotton (Dean Eggers in-laws)
    MSD - Mark Davis
    DOG - Bruce Karn and Mark Davis' UNdog picks
    DES - Dave "Ranch" Desing
    DD  - Dave Drozd
    SD  - Shelly Drozd
    EGG - Dean Eggers
    DON - Don Eggers (Dean's brother)
    DE  - Doug Eggers (Dean's brother)
    MDF - Mike Furrow
    GAL - Bob Gale (friend of Tom Hughes)
    DG  - Dave Gerdes
    MG  - Mike Grove
    GHK - Gary Hagenkord (friend of Doug Kroll)
    HAG - Pat Hagen (rotisserie friend)
    J&L - Jan Hazelwood and Lisa Woodring
    SH  - Steve Hirsch (rotisserie friend)
    EDH - Ed Holland (Scott's dad)
    C   - Charles (friend of Tim Holland)
    J&T - Joel and Troy (friends of Tim Holland)
    HOL - Scott Holland
    TIM - Tim Holland (Scott's brother)
    HUG - Tom Hughes (rotisserie friend)
    BJK - Bruce Karn (used to work for Pioneer)
    CK  - Chris Kramer (rotisserie friend)
    KK  - Ken Krofta
    KRO - Doug Kroll
    DL  - Dwight Lager
    JGL - Judy and Gaylord Lane (Shelly Drozd's parents)
    GRL - Gene Lehman
    PL  - Phillip Lehman (Gene's son)
    LL  - Larry Lesley (friend of Scott Holland)
    FL  - Frank Liebl (friend of Terry Walter)
    RMN - Richard MacNeil (rotisserie friend)
    B&K - Brian and Kevin Mitchell (Denny's kids)
    RDM - Denny Mitchell (ex-Budman boss)
    TOM - Tom Mitchell (Denny's brother)
    LP  - Leroy Preuschl (Keith Wilson's father-in-law)
    JP  - Joe Price (with Denny at Optimum Grains)
    SR  - Sara Roath (Shelly Drozd's sister)
    NED - Ned Schantz (rotisserie friend in LaLa land)
    SIN - Sherri Sinclair
    S-D - Dean Small and Kevin Doseth (friends of Carl Anderson)
    YTS - Whitey Stange
    CS  - Chuck Stanton (friend of Phil Swartz)
    LS  - Leon Stidfole
    BUD - Bud Stowe
    JPS - Jason Stowe (Bud's son)
    SAS - Sean Stowe (Bud's son)
    SWZ - Phil Swartz (rotisserie friend)
    MAZ - Al (Maz) Voigt (friend of Phil Swartz)
    CW  - Chris Wagner (friend of Scott Holland)
    WAL - Terry Walter (Donna Walter's husband)
    KEW - Keith Wilson
    GWY - Gary Young


    1st  -  $312
    2nd  -  $228.80
    3rd  -  $176.80
    4th  -  $135.20
    5th  -   $93.60
    6th  -   $62.40
    7th  -   $31.20
    8th  -  free entry
    rest -  cost $20