17th Annual Pioneer Bowl Pool


	CA  - Carl Anderson (friend of Bud Stowe)
	BOC - Tom Bockhaus
	MSD - Mark Davis
	MAD - Mike Davis
	DPD - Dave Dessing
	DOG - Bruce Karn and Mark Davis' dog
	DD  - Dave Drozd
	CHP - Chip (Dean Egger's brother-in-law)
	EGG - Dean Eggers
	DON - Don Eggers (Dean's brother)
	DE  - Doug Eggers (Dean's brother)
	TC  - T.C. (Dean Egger's father-in-law)
	DCE - Dave Everett
	DF  - Dennis Fulton
	MDF - Mike Furrow
	TPG - Tim Glenn
	JBG - Jim Gumpert
	J&L - Jan Hazelwood & Lisa Woodring
	B&L - Blair Hoegh & Lisa Woodring
	EDH - Ed Holland (Scott's dad)
	HOL - Scott Holland
	TIM - Tim Holland (Scott's brother)
	R&C - Rick & Charles (friends of Tim Holland)
	ISH - Tom Ishler (rotisserie owner)
	TJ  - Tim Johnson
	BJK - Bruce Karn
	KK  - Ken Krofta
	KRO - Doug Kroll
	JL  - Judy Lane (Drozd's mother-in-law)
	LAW - Gary Lawrance
	GRL - Gene Lehman
	FL  - Frank Liebl (friend of Terry Walter)
	TL  - Tim Lucas (friend of Tim Holland)
	MM  - Mike McClaflin
	DM  - Dick McClure
	BLM - Bo and Lief Mitchell (brother of Denny Mitchell and his son)
	EBM - Breen Mitchell (brother of Denny Mitchell)
	B&T - Brian & Tom Mitchell (son and brother of Denny Mitchell)
	RDM - Denny Mitchell
	JGM - Jimmy Mitchell (brother of Denny Mitchell)
	KM  - Kevin Mitchell (Denny's son)
	VLN - Val Neubauer
	LN  - Loree Nouss
	LP  - Leroy Preuschl (Keith Wilson's father-in-law)
	TAR - Todd Robinson
	R&M - Curt Rouse & Gary Mathems
	GPS - Greg Smith
	YTS - Whitey Stange
	CS  - Chuck Stanton (friend of Phil Swartz)
	LS  - Leon Stidfole
	BUD - Bud Stowe
	JPS - Jason Stowe (Bud's son)
	SAS - Sean Stowe (Bud's son)
	SWZ - Phil Swartz (friend of Bud Stowe)
	MAZ - Al (Maz) Voigt (friend of Phil Swartz)
	CW  - Chris Wagner (friend of Scott Holland)
	WAL - Terry Walter (Donna Walter's husband)
	KEW - Keith Wilson
	BW  - Barb Wright (friend of Judy Lane)
	GWY - Gary Young

There are 60 entries. Payouts are: 1st - $312 2nd - $228.80 3rd - $176.80 4th - $135.20 5th - $93.60 6th - $62.40 7th - $31.20 8th - free entry rest - cost $20