21st Annual Pioneer Bowl Pool

Players Codes As Used In Expectation Reports

	CA  - Carl Anderson (rotisserie owner)
RAZ - Rich Azinger
MB - Mark Behrman (rotisserie owner)
BEN - Dirk Benn
B&W - Bergamo & Wehrman (friends of Bruce Karn)
BOC - Tom Bockhaus
C&T - Chip and Terry Cotton (Dean Eggers in-laws)
COT - Terry Cotton
DOG - Bruce Karn and Mark Davis' underdog picks
MSD - Mark Davis
DES - Dave Desing (with secret help from LeAnn Larson)
DD - Dave Drozd
SD - Shelly Drozd
EGG - Dean Eggers
DON - Don Eggers (Dean's brother)
DE - Doug Eggers (Dean's brother)
DLF - Dennis Fulton
MDF - Mike Furrow (former Pioneer)
DG - Dave Gerdes
GOH - Jeff Gohring (rotisserie friend)
GHK - Gary Hagenkord (friend of Doug Kroll)
THK - Todd Hagenkord (Gary's brother maybe?)
PH - Pat Hagen (rotisserie friend)
HAR - Steve Harrington
J&L - Jan Hazelwood and Lisa Woodring-Smith
SH - Steve Hirsch (rotisserie friend)
C - Charles (friend of Tim Holland)
EDH - Ed Holland (Scott's dad)
HOL - Scott Holland
TIM - Tim Holland (Scott's brother)
HOW - Randy Howard (rotisserie friend)
HUF - Nick Huff
HUG - Tom Hughes (rotisserie friend)
BJK - Bruce Karn (former Pioneer)
CK - Chris Kramer (rotisserie friend)
KK - Ken Krofta
KRO - Doug Kroll
DL - Dwight Lager
J&G - Judy and Gaylord Lane (Shelly Drozd's parents)
PAT - Pat Lauterbach (Sean's Godfather)
GRL - Gene Lehman
PL - Phillip Lehman (Gene's son)
AL - Al Leiser (Don Egger's friend)
LL - Larry Lesley (friend of Scott Holland)
RMN - Richard MacNeil (rotisserie friend)
MAT - Jennifer Mattes
MAY - Jasun Mays (former consultant with Denny Mitchell) RDM - Denny Mitchell (former boss) JON - Jon Mitchell (rotisserie friend) TOM - Tom Mitchell (Denny's brother) LP - Leroy Preuschl (Keith Wilson's father-in-law) JP - Joe Price (rotisserie friend at Optimum) NED - Ned Schantz (rotisserie friend) B&S - Bob & Sherri Sinclair YTS - Whitey Stange BUD - Bud Stowe JPS - Jason Stowe (Bud's son) SAS - Sean Stowe (Bud's son) CW - Chris Wagner (friend of Scott Holland) T&F - Terry Walter & Frank Liebl (Terry's friend) WAL - Terry Walter (Donna Walter's husband) DAN - Dan Williamson (friend of Scott Holland) KEW - Keith Wilson GWY - Gary Young

64 entries.
Payouts are:

	1st  -  $336.00
	2nd  -  $246.40
	3rd  -  $190.40
	4th  -  $145.60
	5th  -  $100.80
	6th  -   $67.20
	7th  -   $33.60
	8th  -  free entry
	rest -	cost $20