Owner | Very Brief Description |
Bud Stowe | The Budman. Des Moines, IA |
Mark Schantz | Lawyer, Bridge, Rotisserie, Hawkeye. Iowa City, IA |
Tom Hughes | Friend of Mark and Tony. Hawkeye. Iowa City, IA |
Steve Hirsch | Golf Club owner. Eastern Iowa. |
Bob Wehrle | Friend of Mark and Tony. Eastern Iowa. |
Pat Hagen | Rotisserie player. Cedar Rapids, IA |
Kelly | Arnie Kellenberger. Friend of Behrman's. Milwaukee, WI |
Carl Anderson | Rotisserie baseball, Bridge. West Des Moines, IA |
Nile Lewis | Friend of Mark and Tony. Eastern Iowa. |
Mark Behrman | Rotisserie baseball, Bridge. Milwaukee, WI |
Chuck Hirsch | Steve's brother. Sioux City, IA |
Chris Kramer | Rotisserie. Ex-pro golfer. West Des Moines, IA |
Denny & Jimmy | Denny Mitchell - West Des Moines, IA |
Jimmy Mitchell - Denny's brother. Youngstown, OH | |
Cheryl Neuleib | Dave's lovely and adorable wife. Works with Kelly. |
Dave Neuleib | Friend of Behrman & Kelly. Milwaukee, WI |
Jacks | Jack Cummens - Friend of Kelly. Milwaukee, WI |
Steven Kaishian - Running the show for Jacks. | |
Scott Ford | Friend of Kelly's. Milwaukee, WI |
Ralph Jeletz | Another Milwaukee Insurance stiff. Milwaukee, WI |
Ken Johnson | Friend of Dave Neuleib. Lives near St. Paul, Minnesota |
Keith Reynolds | Friend of Mark Behrman. Lives near the Alamo |
John Wallen | Friend of Mark Behrman. Another insurance stiff from Milwaukee |
MPL | Mary Martin, Brookfield, WI |
Paul, Milwaukee area | |
Lamont --- Milwaukee area, all customers of Jack's | |
Russ Kramer | Returns from Phoenix - works with Chris but no relation - Grimes, IA |
Rich Azinger | The Zinger returns! - Grimes, IA |
Mike Alexander | Friend of Keith Reynolds - Sooie Pig! - from Little Rock, AR |
Ernie Green | Friend of Kelly, Jack, & Steven - must smoke cigars - Milwaukee (I assume) |
Please let me know of errors or modifications.