Each Fantasy Owner picks a golfer for the current weekend's PGA tournament.
There is a tournament each weekend for 44 weeks ending with The Tour Championship (see list).
The amount of money that golfer earns for the tournament is added to your total yearly "money winnings".
If a golfer earns money in a tournament, he cannot be used again.
If your golfer earns no money (doesn't play, withdraws, doesn't qualify), he can be used as a pick later.
Each week's pick must be given to Bud by 9:00am CT of the first day of that weekend's tourney (usually Thursday).
No late entries will be allowed.
Tentative future picks can be supplied and changed.
Payoffs are made at the rate of $1 by every other owner for each $20,000 earned by all your golfers winnings.
There will be a maximum loss limit of $150. Any losses exceeding that will be prorated from owners winning money.
Final amounts will be rounded off to the nearest dollar.
Losers payments are expected promptly (early November) so that winners can be paid and settlement concluded.