Player Code Alone Share Place Expected Value 1 Charles C 246 11 490 311.05 2 Kathy Wagner KW 72 3 390 170.05 3 Todd Johnson RTJ 48 3 341 142.12 4 Dave Neuleib DN 22 3 181 54.99 5 Keith Reynolds KR 21 1 180 49.18 6 Garan Drozd GAR 11 1 204 47.68 7 Randy Grgurich GRG 11 2 210 46.52 8 Dave Drozd DD 19 2 155 43.11 9 Barney Hilbert HIL 11 2 166 37.60 10 Pat Lauterbach PAT 5 2 179 36.67 11 Todd Stuhr TS 8 1 133 26.12 12 Tim Holland TIM 0 0 146 25.12 13 Steve Harrington HAR 8 0 122 20.01 14 Alan Brawner AB 7 1 111 16.83 15 Jessica & Marnie J&M 0 0 128 16.29 16 Ed Holland EDH 1 0 113 11.63 17 Erin Kroll ERK 0 0 93 6.60 18 Mike Lauterbach ML 0 0 77 0.53 19 John Amsbaugh AMS 0 0 72 -0.12 20 Dwight Lager DL 0 0 69 -1.18 21 Dave Gerdes GER 2 0 61 -2.01 22 Adam Kroll AK 1 0 74 -2.50 23 Megan & Jack M&J 1 0 43 -7.60 24 Cesar Mendoza CM 0 0 49 -8.65 25 Gary Young GWY 0 0 48 -10.28 26 Colin Stuhr CS 0 0 35 -11.12 27 Jason Stowe JPS 0 1 30 -12.22 28 Tom Bockhaus BOC 0 0 43 -12.32 29 Dog DOG 0 0 34 -13.04 30 Steve Tyrrel TYR 0 0 37 -13.04 31 Bob Wehrle WEH 1 0 22 -13.46 32 Tom Hughes HUG 0 0 17 -14.82 33 Leroy Preuschl LP 0 0 22 -16.00 34 Doug Kroll KRO 0 0 17 -16.09 35 Dustin Drozd DUS 0 0 13 -16.96 36 Steve Dieke SD 0 1 9 -17.91 37 Dan Williamson DAN 0 0 13 -17.92 38 Sparky & Wheezer S&W 0 0 9 -19.11 39 Kelly Gordon GOR 0 0 5 -19.41 40 Shelly Drozd SD 0 0 5 -19.44 41 Jody Nekola NEK 0 0 3 -19.55 42 The Hamms Bear HAM 0 0 5 -19.59 43 Zane Lennon ZAN 0 0 6 -19.64 44 Mike Furrow MDF 0 0 4 -19.65 45 Scott Holland HOL 0 0 3 -19.67 46 Scott Walker SW 0 0 3 -19.67 47 Dana Stuhr DS 0 0 5 -19.77 48 Mark Behrman MB 0 0 1 -19.79 49 Chris Wagner CW 0 0 2 -19.84 50 Keith Wilson KEW 0 0 1 -19.92 51 Pat Hagen HAG 0 0 2 -19.94 52 Tyler Drozd TY 0 0 1 -19.96 53 Channing Lennon CL 0 0 1 -19.96 54 Jan & Lisa J&L 0 0 1 -19.98 55 Eric Krofta EK 0 0 1 -19.98 Chances shown are out of 512 possibilities.