Player Code Alone Share Place Expected Value 1 Dog DOG 1,816,352 95,88710,247,411 52.62 2 Tom Hughes HUG 1,888,592 85,762 8,826,483 45.21 3 Cesar Mendoza CM 1,467,759 72,690 8,333,027 37.18 4 Charles C 1,225,129 71,056 8,154,754 31.44 5 Doug Kroll KRO 1,034,704 60,848 6,992,727 24.18 6 John Amsbaugh AMS 1,084,854 56,591 6,411,213 22.26 7 Alan Brawner AB 956,570 55,207 6,547,584 21.07 8 Dennis Fulton DLF 860,043 56,870 6,626,111 20.32 9 Dave Neuleib DN 1,009,525 52,916 6,122,914 19.73 10 Pat Lauterbach PAT 782,363 49,845 6,201,402 17.41 11 Steve Harrington HAR 835,030 52,131 5,944,178 16.89 12 Tom Bockhaus BOC 804,547 53,931 6,036,723 16.74 13 Todd Stuhr TS 771,465 45,532 5,441,677 13.57 14 Mark Behrman MB 784,085 40,860 5,173,144 12.77 15 Dave Drozd DD 694,596 45,861 5,353,226 12.39 16 Jason Stowe JPS 682,689 42,502 5,138,839 11.15 17 Josh Hildreth JH 632,501 40,751 4,846,934 9.01 18 Steve Elfvin ELF 556,541 34,694 4,702,548 7.56 19 Dustin Drozd DUS 617,614 36,105 4,475,989 7.49 20 Megan & Jack M&J 601,769 35,657 4,498,548 7.25 21 Kelly Gordon GOR 586,252 36,910 4,456,981 7.06 22 Todd Johnson RTJ 510,538 34,314 4,630,066 7.04 23 Dan Williamson DAN 478,820 32,812 4,597,813 6.49 24 Bob Wehrle WEH 525,895 32,534 4,388,592 5.68 25 Colin Stuhr CS 514,678 35,425 4,431,377 5.65 26 Tim Holland TIM 486,297 32,665 4,294,701 4.88 27 Dwight Lager DL 473,609 30,387 4,168,162 4.10 28 Dave Gerdes GER 455,270 31,715 4,157,994 4.06 29 Ed Holland EDH 462,577 31,923 3,896,668 3.08 30 Bud Stowe BUD 460,580 27,569 3,794,689 2.68 31 Jody Nekola NEK 486,926 31,362 3,773,739 2.60 32 Leroy Preuschl LP 382,914 31,219 4,146,926 2.53 33 Jessica & Marnie J&M 437,725 28,762 3,722,904 1.41 34 Adam Kroll AK 339,057 27,333 3,824,290 1.01 35 Chris Wagner CW 364,907 26,048 3,783,182 0.93 36 Jake Eggers JE 397,315 26,183 3,499,017 0.20 37 Barney Hilbert HIL 349,138 27,722 3,695,285 0.19 38 Tyler Drozd TY 358,175 26,617 3,596,086 -0.16 39 Lisa Woodring LW 272,062 23,875 3,757,358 -0.71 40 Jan & Lisa J&L 290,954 22,298 3,267,461 -2.51 41 Keith Reynolds KR 315,031 23,333 3,035,001 -3.11 42 Channing Lennon CL 273,681 21,550 3,049,565 -3.61 43 Mike Lauterbach ML 210,486 18,654 3,223,702 -3.80 44 Shelly Drozd SD 256,578 21,083 3,061,570 -3.87 45 Steve Dieke SD 302,808 21,276 2,806,144 -4.37 46 Garan Drozd GAR 255,372 19,467 2,919,798 -4.38 47 Dave Desing DES 243,917 18,779 2,767,318 -5.15 48 Kathy Wagner KW 180,251 16,186 2,768,219 -6.41 49 Erin Kroll ERK 192,329 16,066 2,614,088 -6.74 50 John Henson HEN 220,430 16,829 2,450,589 -6.91 51 Brad Selken BS 119,044 12,597 2,348,844 -9.06 52 Gary Young GWY 150,384 13,244 2,032,822 -9.78 53 Randy Grgurich GRG 145,278 13,235 2,057,668 -9.79 54 Bob Aller ALL 129,726 12,570 2,065,429 -9.87 55 Ken Johnson KJ 115,444 11,312 1,900,280 -10.66 56 Mark Davis MSD 141,435 11,711 1,775,049 -10.93 57 Mike Furrow MDF 108,364 10,134 1,834,437 -11.30 58 Chris Kramer CK 141,742 11,028 1,651,589 -11.38 59 Scott Holland HOL 122,437 10,495 1,654,309 -11.77 60 Dan Jones DJ 102,954 9,994 1,561,767 -12.41 61 Larry Lesley LL 101,590 8,456 1,495,895 -12.78 62 Gary Lawrance LAW 103,235 9,504 1,483,346 -12.84 63 Nathan Krofta NK 95,969 8,797 1,454,272 -12.97 64 Steve Tyrrel TYR 61,578 7,545 1,616,836 -13.05 65 Dana Stuhr DS 67,703 7,320 1,502,113 -13.24 66 Eric Krofta EK 74,669 7,264 1,329,494 -13.85 67 The Hamms Bear HAM 69,408 6,867 1,239,175 -14.16 68 Dean Eggers EGG 57,175 6,215 1,283,751 -14.34 69 Pat Hagen HAG 64,863 6,719 1,193,490 -14.51 70 Zane Lennon ZAN 77,892 7,313 1,088,876 -14.69 71 Pat Birchem BIR 65,124 5,975 989,174 -15.26 72 Scott Walker SW 46,944 4,560 1,042,918 -15.45 73 Layne Wardenburg WAR 37,604 4,124 853,703 -16.33 74 Sean Stowe SAS 37,127 3,734 802,120 -16.48 75 Keith Wilson KEW 34,666 3,845 792,580 -16.63 76 Sparky & Wheezer S&W 13,811 1,920 653,383 -17.60 77 Steve Voss VOS 16,512 2,333 533,286 -17.86 78 Nehru Cheddie NC 13,399 2,028 531,592 -18.00 79 Whitey Stange YTS 9,683 1,360 406,291 -18.46 80 Ken Krofta KK 5,996 1,038 388,462 -18.67 Chances shown are out of 33,554,432 possibilities.