Player Code Alone Share Place Expected Value 1 Dog DOG 1,016,133 45,764 4,307,614 115.72 2 Tom Hughes HUG 651,965 29,730 3,132,190 74.06 3 Cesar Mendoza CM 482,727 23,530 2,757,581 56.42 4 Dave Neuleib DN 475,275 22,568 2,571,790 49.86 5 Doug Kroll KRO 379,334 20,802 2,453,402 43.49 6 Dennis Fulton DLF 302,473 18,560 2,226,566 35.29 7 Jason Stowe JPS 278,795 15,845 1,921,548 28.04 8 John Amsbaugh AMS 289,497 14,761 1,850,241 27.74 9 Charles C 228,993 14,892 2,000,389 26.07 10 Alan Brawner AB 255,380 14,533 1,860,138 25.75 11 Todd Stuhr TS 253,644 14,025 1,705,893 22.68 12 Dustin Drozd DUS 230,674 11,516 1,482,654 17.76 13 Mark Behrman MB 182,703 9,687 1,394,066 13.79 14 Steve Elfvin ELF 138,754 8,559 1,329,087 10.00 15 Dave Gerdes GER 161,418 9,973 1,231,816 9.75 16 Dave Drozd DD 136,347 9,098 1,184,703 7.24 17 Dwight Lager DL 128,980 8,028 1,149,427 6.26 18 Kelly Gordon GOR 134,254 8,594 1,101,992 6.13 19 Megan & Jack M&J 123,507 7,165 1,121,471 5.89 20 Chris Wagner CW 98,979 7,136 1,176,277 5.30 21 Adam Kroll AK 92,330 7,402 1,105,010 4.09 22 Ed Holland EDH 112,521 7,716 1,016,411 3.46 23 Leroy Preuschl LP 101,106 7,845 1,059,551 3.17 24 Jan & Lisa J&L 93,188 6,898 1,075,848 3.10 25 Bud Stowe BUD 88,462 5,784 1,004,464 2.23 26 Bob Wehrle WEH 94,028 6,061 1,024,420 2.20 27 Josh Hildreth JH 102,308 7,326 989,505 1.90 28 Pat Lauterbach PAT 51,953 4,783 1,087,676 1.27 29 Dan Williamson DAN 74,652 5,555 1,019,747 1.22 30 Tim Holland TIM 75,462 5,640 907,293 -0.85 31 Jessica & Marnie J&M 90,600 6,338 868,138 -0.90 32 Tyler Drozd TY 79,951 5,927 891,963 -1.04 33 Steve Harrington HAR 81,793 6,006 846,796 -1.51 34 Shelly Drozd SD 63,943 5,269 852,211 -2.53 35 Larry Lesley LL 68,578 5,230 853,117 -2.58 36 Todd Johnson RTJ 66,909 4,990 802,176 -2.98 37 Garan Drozd GAR 64,200 4,937 787,781 -3.59 38 Scott Holland HOL 64,027 5,061 768,064 -3.93 39 Colin Stuhr CS 55,424 4,441 764,824 -4.40 40 Lisa Woodring LW 35,050 3,793 831,353 -4.73 41 Kathy Wagner KW 38,723 3,598 690,077 -6.98 42 Jody Nekola NEK 51,089 3,874 615,558 -7.07 43 Erin Kroll ERK 39,632 3,552 676,644 -7.12 44 Scott Walker SW 34,708 3,104 664,131 -7.84 45 Tom Bockhaus BOC 39,110 3,583 606,592 -8.14 46 Mike Lauterbach ML 29,701 2,851 646,320 -8.35 47 Dave Desing DES 34,951 2,995 581,598 -8.77 48 Jake Eggers JE 42,719 3,261 548,028 -8.90 49 Barney Hilbert HIL 38,524 3,489 559,160 -8.97 50 Keith Reynolds KR 39,573 3,394 543,148 -9.01 51 John Henson HEN 25,228 2,427 524,321 -10.45 52 Brad Selken BS 18,036 2,280 550,753 -10.77 53 Randy Grgurich GRG 26,617 2,493 426,086 -11.87 54 Eric Krofta EK 21,261 2,057 399,786 -12.74 55 Steve Dieke SD 22,742 1,961 331,004 -13.61 56 Gary Young GWY 19,574 1,868 345,392 -13.65 57 Channing Lennon CL 18,464 1,688 349,068 -13.66 58 Pat Hagen HAG 15,554 1,652 309,593 -14.41 59 Nathan Krofta NK 13,941 1,446 299,772 -14.71 60 Zane Lennon ZAN 15,996 1,485 257,945 -15.19 61 Layne Wardenburg WAR 11,355 1,210 273,316 -15.26 62 Pat Birchem BIR 10,083 1,037 229,542 -16.01 63 Mark Davis MSD 7,682 870 220,287 -16.25 64 Chris Kramer CK 6,308 719 197,930 -16.77 65 Ken Johnson KJ 4,935 599 165,366 -17.37 66 Bob Aller ALL 2,519 423 173,052 -17.38 67 Keith Wilson KEW 3,193 432 131,688 -18.04 68 The Hamms Bear HAM 1,676 244 97,409 -18.54 69 Gary Lawrance LAW 2,796 364 94,058 -18.57 70 Dean Eggers EGG 477 87 84,657 -18.95 71 Dana Stuhr DS 1,097 179 75,403 -18.96 72 Steve Tyrrel TYR 445 99 72,054 -19.13 73 Steve Voss VOS 789 174 64,520 -19.14 74 Dan Jones DJ 417 99 52,048 -19.34 75 Mike Furrow MDF 471 90 43,553 -19.46 76 Sean Stowe SAS 145 26 17,898 -19.80 77 Sparky & Wheezer S&W 64 13 18,639 -19.81 78 Ken Krofta KK 4 6 6,586 -19.94 79 Whitey Stange YTS 5 0 4,410 -19.96 80 Nehru Cheddie NC 0 0 4,434 -19.96 Chances shown are out of 8,388,608 possibilities.