Expected Values
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Player Code Alone Share Place Expected Value
1 Shelly Drozd SD 402,529 14,614 1,805,340 89.22
2 Lisa Woodring LW 290,168 11,137 1,499,823 65.21
3 Dave Neuleib DN 296,380 10,254 1,330,893 58.73
4 Garan Drozd GAR 236,455 8,575 1,161,513 46.92
5 Pat Lauterbach PAT 154,659 7,767 1,285,326 45.38
6 Michael Popp POP 199,977 8,361 1,157,475 43.50
7 Eric Krofta EK 140,807 7,043 1,112,555 35.34
8 Jayden Weinschenck JAY 159,321 7,118 1,033,728 34.60
9 Nathan Krofta NK 131,282 6,485 999,632 30.38
10 Tom Hughes HUG 85,655 6,171 976,646 27.45
11 Tom Bockhaus BOC 122,207 6,607 943,625 26.94
12 Zane Lennon ZAN 101,161 6,309 897,894 24.19
13 Deb Lesley DEB 116,143 5,163 773,216 19.67
14 Peter Auerbach PBX 130,871 4,899 708,140 19.29
15 Tom Esber ESB 120,211 4,544 620,758 14.57
16 Dave Gerdes GER 72,650 3,831 693,777 13.25
17 Troy Rosenmeyer ROS 62,297 3,674 707,667 12.68
18 Larry Lesley LL 48,403 3,155 709,183 11.44
19 Sparky & Wheezer S&W 40,005 3,083 753,002 10.45
20 Scott Holland HOL 55,840 3,078 577,998 7.04
21 Tim Holland TIM 50,612 3,197 611,662 6.85
22 John Amsbaugh AMB 41,165 3,066 661,043 6.82
23 Mike Furrow MDF 50,308 3,268 585,984 6.68
24 Mike Lauterbach ML 50,184 2,944 609,446 6.43
25 Matt Gateris GAT 77,811 3,329 499,692 5.81
26 Layne Wardenburg WAR 54,751 2,948 559,125 5.47
27 Ken Krofta KK 50,075 3,097 566,281 4.87
28 Steve Tyrrel TYR 50,537 2,822 554,034 4.69
29 David Brown DB 62,561 3,034 477,458 3.32
30 Mark Davis MSD 29,481 2,305 552,291 1.84
31 Scott Walker SW 44,307 2,535 471,376 1.37
32 Kathy & Chris K&C 53,810 2,655 448,847 1.14
33 Chris Webb WEB 48,828 2,692 428,398 0.42
34 Keith Wilson KEW 39,148 2,458 480,315 0.31
35 Jon Bockhaus JON 28,065 2,240 503,286 0.00
36 The Hamms Bear HAM 41,418 2,339 421,834 -1.27
37 Chris Kramer CK 46,975 2,325 382,712 -1.73
38 Barney Hilbert HIL 34,575 2,002 375,878 -3.15
39 Mark Behrman MB 38,280 1,679 276,296 -6.20
40 Chris Wagner CW 27,984 1,377 294,817 -6.71
41 Bart Hendryx BH 17,447 1,318 336,429 -7.18
42 Judy & Gaylord J&G 16,705 1,166 293,441 -8.28
43 Denny Mitchell RDM 28,323 1,515 254,640 -8.35
44 Chip Cotton CHP 13,977 1,078 306,715 -8.65
45 Dana Stuhr DS 9,222 828 275,223 -10.21
46 Bud Stowe BUD 10,607 1,003 240,402 -10.25
47 Ed Holland EDH 13,765 1,019 241,047 -10.67
48 Ken Auerbach KBX 13,920 940 210,351 -11.21
49 Erin Kroll ERK 15,703 930 196,553 -11.75
50 Dave Desing DES 13,017 896 197,149 -11.93
51 Collin Becker BEC 7,969 734 200,438 -12.73
52 Gail Schultz GAS 6,244 477 197,445 -13.28
53 Greg Schultz GRS 5,818 515 156,562 -14.57
54 Dog DOG 1,036 144 170,856 -15.54
55 Ken Johnson KJ 6,712 444 112,014 -15.61
56 Dave Drozd DD 4,148 363 119,567 -15.83
57 Jason Stowe JPS 2,072 194 103,483 -16.64
58 Michael Homan MH 4,837 373 87,734 -16.73
59 John Sokol JS 3,098 258 81,417 -17.18
60 Bob Sokol SOK 1,325 185 99,277 -17.25
61 Gary Young GWY 1,865 190 77,941 -17.54
62 Rick Hendryx RH 3,080 244 62,005 -17.72
63 Sean Stowe SAS 1,366 129 66,691 -17.83
64 Kathy Holland KH 426 78 68,890 -17.90
65 Dean Eggers EGG 567 93 68,320 -18.27
66 Pat Birchem BIR 218 30 51,965 -18.48
67 Gene Lehman GL 790 93 53,814 -18.52
68 Pat Feldner FEL 415 64 53,581 -18.58
69 Gregg Walsh GW 702 79 39,142 -18.85
70 Steve Harrington HAR 846 72 35,615 -18.88
71 Doug Kroll KRO 612 72 25,100 -19.21
72 Justin Zortman ZOR 399 43 22,457 -19.36
73 Adam Kroll AK 280 30 19,972 -19.47
74 Terry Cotton COT 138 27 13,224 -19.65
75 Michael Greenblat MGB 120 14 11,630 -19.68
76 Jeff Meyer MYR 5 3 13,211 -19.69
77 Jay Horton HOR 36 13 8,119 -19.80
78 Bob Wehrle WEH 3 0 2,070 -19.96
79 Dallas Johnson DJ 0 0 1,405 -19.98
80 John Henson HEN 3 0 717 -19.99
81 Pat Hagen PH 0 0 556 -19.99
82 Megan & Jack M&J 0 0 558 -19.99
Chances shown are out of 4,194,304 possibilities.
generated: Dec 28, 2012 10:05 AM
time to produce: 0:5:28.220