Expected Values

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    Player                  Code      Alone     Share       Place   Expected Value

  1 Eric Krofta             EK   2,605,138    91,558  12,303,193        71.01
  2 Dave Neuleib            DN   2,812,588    89,289  11,722,548        69.63
  3 Mike Lauterbach         ML   1,810,810    75,173  10,954,375        54.22
  4 Shelly Drozd            SD   1,636,942    65,970   9,316,190        44.35
  5 Garan Drozd             GAR  1,680,802    59,528   8,503,997        41.23
  6 John Amsbaugh           AMB  1,093,169    56,625   9,540,271        38.41
  7 Lisa Woodring           LW   1,311,621    54,483   8,333,562        35.06
  8 Tom Bockhaus            BOC  1,061,605    54,439   8,448,940        32.92
  9 Steve Tyrrel            TYR  1,108,135    47,115   7,763,811        30.74
 10 Jon Bockhaus            JON    688,462    41,547   7,549,149        23.21
 11 Layne Wardenburg        WAR    950,903    40,862   6,585,697        22.49
 12 Nathan Krofta           NK     794,167    39,037   6,721,552        21.22
 13 The Hamms Bear          HAM    894,000    39,025   6,397,962        20.73
 14 Scott Walker            SW     732,125    36,201   6,396,123        19.60
 15 Dave Gerdes             GER    757,656    34,111   6,079,997        18.53
 16 Michael Popp            POP    733,194    34,300   5,481,231        14.32
 17 Sparky & Wheezer        S&W    371,123    25,853   6,285,946        12.57
 18 Kathy & Chris           K&C    646,016    27,365   4,361,581         7.61
 19 Tom Esber               ESB    685,240    25,609   3,920,497         6.27
 20 Chip Cotton             CHP    382,273    24,419   4,649,859         5.40
 21 Jayden Weinschenck      JAY    450,802    22,893   4,301,631         5.02
 22 Mark Davis              MSD    311,124    21,707   4,927,609         4.84
 23 Peter Auerbach          PBX    572,155    22,313   3,729,847         4.44
 24 Bart Hendryx            BH     371,159    22,376   4,490,147         4.36
 25 Tim Holland             TIM    377,267    21,247   4,340,293         4.22
 26 Pat Lauterbach          PAT    337,938    19,055   4,368,565         4.08
 27 Mark Behrman            MB     606,792    22,857   3,539,741         3.71
 28 Zane Lennon             ZAN    395,819    25,229   4,115,791         3.62
 29 Tom Hughes              HUG    252,881    20,355   4,110,724         2.38
 30 Keith Wilson            KEW    412,232    21,327   3,919,279         2.32
 31 Judy & Gaylord          J&G    409,972    21,616   3,727,346         1.91
 32 Larry Lesley            LL     355,645    19,564   3,752,458         1.18
 33 Scott Holland           HOL    353,311    18,644   3,647,113         0.91
 34 Chris Wagner            CW     416,252    18,950   3,354,349         0.48
 35 Matt Gateris            GAT    397,086    17,761   3,039,249        -1.47
 36 Deb Lesley              DEB    363,649    17,551   3,071,998        -1.89
 37 Chris Kramer            CK     346,792    17,201   3,013,994        -2.42
 38 Dave Desing             DES    302,979    14,830   2,767,594        -3.79
 39 Chris Webb              WEB    242,690    16,143   2,910,395        -3.83
 40 Ken Krofta              KK     234,749    14,815   2,944,228        -4.48
 41 Jason Stowe             JPS    242,087    13,788   2,703,286        -5.17
 42 Mike Furrow             MDF    173,836    12,081   2,720,377        -5.98
 43 David Brown             DB     260,471    13,323   2,371,258        -6.41
 44 Troy Rosenmeyer         ROS    144,421     9,543   2,697,867        -6.45
 45 John Sokol              JS     156,323    10,719   2,624,740        -6.72
 46 Bud Stowe               BUD    156,242    11,961   2,373,700        -7.51
 47 Ken Johnson             KJ     173,226     9,966   2,100,071        -8.68
 48 Erin Kroll              ERK    131,660     8,005   1,915,219       -10.11
 49 Denny Mitchell          RDM    147,768     7,900   1,500,537       -11.68
 50 Ed Holland              EDH     84,367     5,953   1,647,030       -12.04
 51 Gail Schultz            GAS     73,325     4,778   1,551,155       -12.79
 52 Barney Hilbert          HIL     91,664     5,943   1,428,176       -12.88
 53 Greg Schultz            GRS     58,382     4,685   1,443,420       -13.55
 54 Dana Stuhr              DS      37,400     3,622   1,532,944       -13.63
 55 Pat Feldner             FEL     32,156     3,115   1,412,912       -14.24
 56 Terry Cotton            COT     49,251     4,411   1,316,344       -14.27
 57 Justin Zortman          ZOR     39,487     3,440   1,308,858       -14.47
 58 Michael Homan           MH      75,780     4,677   1,075,631       -14.60
 59 Ken Auerbach            KBX     58,820     3,823   1,069,820       -14.63
 60 Dog                     DOG     26,820     2,538   1,258,882       -14.97
 61 Pat Birchem             BIR     55,977     3,851     978,176       -15.28
 62 Dave Drozd              DD      21,164     2,082     908,427       -16.16
 63 Collin Becker           BEC     24,098     2,419     793,226       -16.66
 64 Gregg Walsh             GW      17,787     1,669     805,547       -16.83
 65 Gene Lehman             GL      23,528     2,170     783,337       -16.86
 66 Kathy Holland           KH      20,965     1,928     732,805       -16.91
 67 Sean Stowe              SAS     19,725     1,549     583,202       -17.42
 68 Rick Hendryx            RH      25,940     1,942     554,992       -17.47
 69 Gary Young              GWY     21,954     1,760     569,857       -17.55
 70 Adam Kroll              AK      12,498     1,102     622,217       -17.56
 71 Dallas Johnson          DJ      11,293     1,037     520,737       -18.06
 72 Dean Eggers             EGG      5,907       883     588,156       -18.07
 73 Bob Sokol               SOK      6,345       875     557,312       -18.13
 74 Jay Horton              HOR     11,513     1,010     445,839       -18.18
 75 Doug Kroll              KRO     13,375     1,178     421,791       -18.23
 76 Bob Wehrle              WEH      6,746       666     390,225       -18.48
 77 Steve Harrington        HAR     10,199       783     273,885       -18.84
 78 Jeff Meyer              MYR      4,367       544     270,262       -18.98
 79 Megan & Jack            M&J      1,776       229     167,594       -19.40
 80 Michael Greenblat       MGB      2,670       275     147,782       -19.46
 81 Pat Hagen               PH          82        18      67,028       -19.82
 82 John Henson             HEN         80        14      12,124       -19.97

    Chances shown are out of 33,554,432 possibilities.
generated: Dec 27, 2012 18:05 PM
time to produce: 0:40:10.484